Class: Flex


Represent a Flex container. This container has built in shouldComponentUpdate to prevent unwanted updates when there is no changes on its property There is also basic property filtering for invalid propery when passing property from its parent like this:


new Flex()

Name Type Description
align string Shorthand for css align-items, This defines the default behaviour for how flex items are laid out along the cross axis on the current line.
auto bool Shorthand for css flex: 1 1 auto
basis string | number Shorthand for css flex-basis, it defines the default size of an element before the remaining space is distributed
className string By default this element will have className of 'flex' or 'inline-flex', this property is for extra classes
col number How many x of 1/12 of width of the parent container that this element should take. This equals to css width: (col * 100 / 12)%
fullWidth bool Shorthand for css width: 100%
grow number Shorthand for css flex-grow, it defines what amount of the available space inside the flex container the item should take up
inline bool Make this Flex to be inline-flex which displays itself as inline
justify string Shorthand for css justify-content, it defines the alignment along the main axis.
order number Controls the order in which this Box appears in the Flex container
reverse bool Reverse the direction of aligning items
shrink number Shorthand for css flex-shrink, it defines the ability for a flex item to shrink if necessary.
style object Element style
wrap string Shorthand for css flex-wrap, it allows the items to wrap as needed